question of whether one should be able to choose how one dies has returned to Irish
political discourse with the Dignity in Dying Bill which is being voted on in
the Dáil today. The bill says that if one is terminally ill, that one has no
treatment other than medication that relieves the illness and that if one has the
clear desire to die that they can be assisted in dying. Assisted suicide is a
difficult issue which touches on many thorny issues including how do we think
of pain and suffering, what dignity means, how this affects how one thinks of
being disabled, elderly and mental health. |
bill does not use the term consent but instead says that they have “made a
valid declaration to end his or her life.”[3] It is important to consider that
while consent is an important principle that there are reasons to recognise
that it is not without flaws. In bioethics, it is expected that there will be
informed consent, which is meant to protect people’s decisions so that with
the knowledge provided by medical officials, one can reflect and make a choice.
But people can be swayed by medical officials, to fail to grasp the
consequences or the medical information and importantly, be influenced by other
factors. I think in this argument most of these factors, like grasping the
medical information and consequences, are ruled out but it is important to ask
are they influenced by other factors? If one looks at another area of end of
life care advance care directives, there is no recognition of what people might
want in a positive sense as it is not viewed that there is a right to
healthcare and therefore, the content is focused on orders such as do not resuscitate.
But in countries like the United States, which I would argue objectively has a
terrible health care system, where these advanced care directives are more
common, it seems clear that there is the question do people really happy to die
sooner or that they feel the pressure to not want to burden their family with
the cost of care? I am not saying that it is the only reason, but we must be
honest that people are influenced by their financial situations. As a result,
it is vitally important that we help the elderly not to feel that they are a
burden, that we make palliative care as accessible for as many people as
possible so that it is nor a luxury and the family of those who have family in palliative care can take time so that they can spend time with their family.
Being with people, even if they are not cognitively aware is not a waste but is
in fact valuable. There are other concerns in relation to assisted dying which
makes consent a problem, this may be a result of depression. Medical literature
shows that 25-77% of that people with terminal illnesses have depression.[4] The fact that that people
are clearly suffering and pain does not mean that we should be treating their
depression and thoughts about suicide in a completely different way than other
people with depression in the sense that we legitimise one group’s but not the
other. Very few of us argue for complete autonomy, recognising that we can consent
to things which are wrong and one of the main reasons to restrict autonomy is
when it will harm people. We cannot simply accept things on the grounds of
is hard not to be aware that I am writing this in the time of Covid-19. When Covid-19
shut down the world back in March, there were many articles about how it would
change the political landscape. It would lead to a society that emphasises more
the importance of healthcare, that it would lead to a world that would be more
accessible for those of us with disabilities and we would learn to see ourselves
not as independent individuals but as people who are interconnected and that we
need to lean on each other and care for each other. It is hard not to be
cynical about this as one listens to people complain about the restrictions and
the desire to return to normality, but I do hope we can be a better society. As
someone with a disability, it can be a struggle to accept the ways that I feel
dependent on others because that is not the norm and I hate the idea of being a
burden. But the reality as disability rights activist John Kelly from Not Dead
Yet has pointed out is that “we’re all interdependent, whether
or not we acknowledge it.”[5] I would love if after
Covid, independence is seen as a myth and that we attempt to accept others help
as well as offering others support, that we can share with each other our struggles
and suffering. I acknowledge that helping your neighbour buy food during
lockdown is different to helping someone to go the bathroom or change them, but
if we are to create a society that has space for people with disabilities and the
elderly, we need to be open to being in uncomfortable situations. We need to
treat people with dignity and that may mean helping your grandmother change her
clothes. The Death with Dignity Act Report 2016 cites reasons for assisted
suicide were “loss of autonomy” (92%), “less able to engage in activities”
(90%), “loss of dignity” (79%), “loss of control of bodily functions” (48%) and
“feelings of being a burden” (41%).[6] In an article on assisted suicide,
Dan Diaz said, “If I find myself in a situation where I can’t go to the
bathroom on my own, where someone has to change my diapers, where I can’t feed
myself, where I can’t care for the people around me, where other people have to
move me around to keep me from having bedsores, I would then submit, ‘Is that
really living?’”[7]
We need to affirm each other’s dignity, be willing to create a society where
our understanding of what counts as living includes people with disability and those
who are elderly. Covid-19 might change our understanding of the human person for
the better, but we cannot accept the anthropology of assisted dying because it
is ableist.
[4](Note this article is from 2001)
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